Friday, May 22, 2020
Female Serial Killers - 773 Words
FEMALE SERIAL KILLERS Rudyard Kipling once said that the female of the species is far more deadly than the male. Female serial killers more than prove that theory, yet they have always been something of an anomaly in criminology and a puzzle for law enforcement. These are the quiet killers, every bit as lethal as their male counterparts, but we are seldom aware of one in our midst because of their low visibility. Most female crime is hidden. Kelleher Kelleher (1998) argue that female serial killers are more successful, careful, precise, methodical, and quiet in committing their crimes. They examined 100 cases since 1900 and found an average duration of 8 years before being caught -- double that of the male serial killer.†¦show more content†¦Throughout history the majority of female killers have murdered out of greed, passion, or self defense. True female serial killers are rare. Aileen Wuornos (known also as Lee) was born on the 29th of February 1956. Her natural mother, only 17 at the time, gave her to her grandparents to rise. Both grandparents were alcoholics, and especially her grandfather was abusive towards her. The family was poor and Aileen often resorted to prostitution in her early teen years, to get enough food to eat at school, and later alcohol and cigarettes. By the time she was 14 she was pregnant. It was immediately put up for adoption. After this Aileen dropped out of school and embarked on a lifestyle of prostitution and petty theft to support a growing drug and alcohol problem. Eventually Aileen married at the age of twenty-one to sixty-nine year old Lewis Fell. The marriage was short lived and failed, due to Aileens drunken and violent nature. Her lifestyle after the divorce was to take an even further downhill spiral; she was incarcerated for armed robbery for a year. Other arrests followed for fraud and motor vehicleShow MoreRelatedFemale Serial Killers : A Serial Killer Essay1190 Words  | 5 PagesFemale Serial Killers For the most part the domain of serial homicide is ruled by men. There is however some females that has and can be serial killers. According to Bartol Bartol (2005) there have been at thirty six female serial killers throughout the United States. In general society we do not like to believe that women are capable of committing such acts, but as we continue to alter our views, moral, and beliefs of women’s equality and feminism there is room for women to be just as likelyRead MoreFemale Serial Killers2154 Words  | 9 PagesNot many people know that women can murder others, let alone, be serial murderers. What has been perceived generally in our societies is that women are the creation of God who sacrifice for others and care selflessly. It is the males who are seen as the abusers, the ones who murder, kill others for their selfish motives. That is true but not completely. The majority of people who abuse, or kill are males. However, women are also seen as doing these acts so anonymous to their â€Å"feminism†. Women alsoRead MoreThe Role Of Female Serial Killers On The Mind Of A Serial Killer1594 Words  | 7 PagesDelving into the mind of a serial killer can be a dark and twisted place to go, but also very interesting and intriguing at the same time. While the majority of serial killers in history have been men, women have also had their place in this type of crime. Often our first question when we hear the news of a new serial killer, our first question is â€Å"who is he?†But as we will examine through the research for this paper, women can also be geared to not only kill but to do it over and over again. AlthoughRead MoreEssay on Female Serial Killers738 Words  | 3 PagesFemale Serial Killers While most of the violent crimes that happens most are them are belongs to men, women have not been the wilting flowers promoted so heartily by Victorian adorers and (right or wrong) often evident in todays society. Before we get into detail about the fascinating phenomenon of the Black Widow, it is worth a brief overview of womens escalating role in the world of violent crime, particularly in the United States. Since 1970, there has been an increasing and alarming riseRead MoreFemale Serial Killers Essay2409 Words  | 10 Pagesmany catastrophes performed by a woman serial killer. Serial killers are a problem in the United States, murdering on average 2000 people each year (Indiana University np). â€Å"In fact, serial murder in the United States alone makes up more than three-quarters of the estimated world total†(Innes 5). Although women serial killers are not very common, they still have a huge impact on the death toll of innocent victims. In order to understand how woman serial killers operate, it is important to understandRead MoreThe First American Female Serial Killer3507 Words  | 15 PagesMechanisms 7 Immature Defence Mechanisms 8 Neurotic Defence Mechanisms 9 Mature Defence Mechanisms 9 Conclusion 11 â€Æ' The person I am going to analyse in this assignment is Aileen ‘Lee’ Carol Wuornos who was considered to be the first American female serial killer (Anon., 2015). Wuornos was born on February 29th 1956 in Rochester Michigan (Anon., 2015). Her father, Leo Dale Pittman was an alleged child molester and her mother Diane Wuornos was a teen mother who was not capable of taking up the responsibilitiesRead MoreThe Topic Of Female Serial Killers3596 Words  | 15 PagesMy essay is based on the topic of Female Serial Killers. I have collected information and statistics to develop my understanding. I have questions that convey interest in the field of studies of criminology, psychology and gender roles such as why do women kill? How do they kill? Is there difference between male and female serial killers? I came across this topic because I am interested in unusual portrayals of people in society and I have been fascinated by this controversial theory of Nature vsRead MoreFemale Serial Killers: Statistics and Research864 Words  | 3 PagesFemale Serial Killers: Serial killer is described as an example of a murderer who kills several individuals over a long period of time. While these people are usually male motivated by various psychological motives such as power, the number of female serial killers has increased significantly in the recent past. Unlike their male counterparts, female serial killers use less visible means of murder such as poisoning in order to keep under the radar and remain discrete (Gilbert et. al., 2003). SinceRead MoreSerial Murder And Mass Murder936 Words  | 4 Pages Before we can take on the definitions of serial murder and mass murder, we must first understand what exactly constitutes murder. According to the United States Code-section 1111, murder is defined as the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought (4). With that said, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the term serial murder implies that there are at least three different murder events at three different locations, with a â€Å"cooling off†period between each event (RamslandRead MoreThe Mind of Monsters1390 Words  | 6 PagesMorgan is a fictional serial killer from Showtime’s series â€Å"Dexter†, but the writers and actors have portrayed a real life serial killer. Manuel Prado is the real Dexter Morgan. Prado was a Miami cop who started with smaller crime and worked his way up to becoming a serial killer. †Prosecutor David Waksman told the Miami Herald: He was very cold. He was doing robberies and went home and slept lik e a baby. He was proud of what he did.†(International, 2012) Real life serial killers do not have any empathy
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Oedipus the King Essay - 1073 Words
Oedipus the King The ancient Greeks were famous for their tragedies. These dramas functioned to â€Å"ask questions about the nature of man, his position in the universe, and the powers that govern his life†(â€Å"Greek†1). Brereton (1968) stated that tragedies typically â€Å"involved a final and impressive disaster due to an unforeseen or unrealized failure involving people who command respect and sympathy. It often entails an ironical change of fortune and usually conveys a strong impression of waste. It is always accompanied by misery and emotional distress†(20). The play, Oedipus the King, by Sophocles definitely demonstrated the characteristics of an impressive disaster unforeseen by the protagonist that involved a character of†¦show more content†¦The audience recognized that Oedipus did not intend to do this horrific act and they felt sympathy for him. Aristotle believed true tragedies evoked catharsis from the spectators (Brereton 6). Tragedies usually involve people that demand respect and sympathy (Brereton 17). The plots of tragedies are usually based upon myths or legends about individuals of high rank (New T-350). In many plays, characters of royal decent are utilized because this implies a position of stature from which they can fall (Mandel 103). In the case of Oedipus, he was born into a royal family and was also eventually raised by another royal family. Oedipus who was a respected king came to recognize his true self. In the end, he was demoted to an exiled, penniless peasant. This caused the audience to recognize that if someone with this much greatness can experience catastrophe then they can also. The third characteristic typically seen in Greek tragedy was that of irony. Irony has been defined as an â€Å"incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs†(â€Å"Irony†692). Oedipus heard from the oracle that he would kill his father and marry his mother, s o he decided to leave the town of Corinth to avoid this calamity. Oedipus’ decision to leave â€Å"his parents†actually led him into a collision course with his true father and mother. The prophecy was fulfilled despite Oedipus’ attempts to thwart it and this demonstrated aShow MoreRelatedOedipus The King Of Oedipus868 Words  | 4 Pageschallenge that waits upon one. Confidence overpowers cockiness. The cocky trait is heavily represented in the story â€Å"Oedipus the King†(c. 430 B.C.) by Sophocles. In the story, Oedipus the king of Thebes has the cocky trait and it results in torture for life. Oedipus’s arrogant personality shows throughout the story as he tries to find the killer of the former king of Thebes, his father. Oedipus tends to deem himself as a god throughout the story which plays a big role in interaction with people around himRead MoreOedipus The King : Oedipus1328 Words  | 6 PagesOedipus the King Oedipus had a lot of different character traits both good and bad. He had a good conscience; he cared deeply for the people in his life and protected them. He was very empathetic, smart and a dependable man who lived his life with great integrity. He was an honest man with strong moral principles and lived a righteous life. He found it difficult to live anything less than a righteous life; when he realized what had become of his life, his guilty conscience consumed him. He was filledRead MoreOedipus The King Of Oedipus1019 Words  | 5 Pageswhat makes Oedipus actions in his quarrel with Teiresias and also throughout the play so dramatically compelling, is the fact that the audience knows the outcome of the story. We know Oedipus fate even before he does, and there is no suspense about the outcome itself, instead, the audience anxiously awaits Oedipus to reveal his fate unto himself in his desperate quest to rid his city of the terrible plague, or maybe even more so, to simply d iscover his own unfortunate tale. Oedipus is relentlessRead MoreOedipus the King1125 Words  | 5 PagesOedipus the King by Sophocles is about Oedipus, a man doomed by his fate. Like most tragedies, #8220;Oedipus the King#8221; contains a tragic hero, a heroic figure unable to escape his/her own doom. This tragic hero usually has a hamartia or a tragic flaw which causes his/hers#8217; downfall. The tragic flaw that Sophocles gives Oedipus is hubris (exaggerated pride or self-confidence), which is what caused Oedipus to walk right into the fate he sought to escape. Pride like that of Oedipus hadRead MoreOedipus the King1065 Words  | 5 PagesSophocles’ use of irony is amongst the greatest of all time, as demonstrated masterfully in Oedipus the King. He displays both ambition and understated humour by using irony in diverse ways, both cosmic and dramatic, as well as verbal irony to add a greater level of wit. Every word spoken holds great symbolic weight and those words contribute to a narrative that reflects the gods plans. Adversely the work of Johnathan Swift takes the form of a social satire, combining economic arguments with a sociopoliticalRead MoreOedipus the King1164 Words  | 5 Pagesmen of high reputation and good fortune such as Oedipus.†This attitude, commonly found in men of high station is not specifically identified as pride in the case of Oedipus and, indeed, different readings can place Oedipus’ great flaw in a number of areas. It seems as if Sophocles intended to emphasize the more common interpr etation of Oedipus’ flaw being excessive pride, but other interpretations, such as Pier Paolo Pasolini’s 1967 film Oedipus Rex, present other possibilities as the main characterRead MoreOedipus the King773 Words  | 4 PagesThe Greek drama Oedipus the King, written by Sophocles, is regarded as one of the most perfect tragedies ever written. The tragedy Oedipus the King is highly esteemed partly due to its use of dramatic irony. Dramatic irony means that facts or events, which are not known to the characters on stage or in a fictional work, are known to the audience or reader. Sophocles uses dramatic irony to demonstrate how little the protagonist really knows. The main dramatic irony in Oedipus the King contrasts Oedipus’sRead MoreOedipus The King, Or Oedipus Rex1249 Words  | 5 Pagesmost famous probably being Sophocles’ Oedipus the King, or Oedipus Rex. For a play to be considered a tragedy, it must have a tragic hero. According to Aristotleâ €™s definition of a tragic hero, they must be a decent moral person, of high social standing who eventually meets with a tragic downfall, of their own doing, suffering more than deserved, and realizing their error too late. In the play Oedipus the King, Oedipus is the epitome of a tragic hero. Oedipus Rex was generally a â€Å"good†person; heRead MoreOedipus The King And Oedipus At Colonus1567 Words  | 7 Pagesworks of Sophocles and particularly evident in Oedipus the King and Oedipus at Colonus, not only exalts the Greek nationalism present at the date of composition but dictates the course of the story, evolving as its tragic hero works through his fated anguish. Hubris, defined as exaggerated pride or self-confidence, is the earmark character trait of Oedipus and perhaps Creon. However, it is the abandonment of his sanctimonious nature that distinguishes Oedipus as a true hero. The theme of the evolutionRead MoreOedipus The King, And Oedipus At Colonus1343 Words  | 6 Pages Oedipus, a play written by Sophocles, has become a staple in the study of a Tragic hero in classic literature. When this was written in the fifth century, theatre was more than a means of entertainment but almost a religious event. Robert Fagles goes even further by saying tha t†theatre was not only a religious festival; it was also an aspect of the city’s political life.†(Fagles) . Greek dramas were presented only twice a year during religious festivals that honored Dionysus, the god of wines
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Discusion of Political Meetings Free Essays
During the second semester of government class, I was given an assignment to attend three public meetings. I chose to attend a City Council meeting, a Republican Party meeting, and a Democratic Party meeting. The first meeting I attended was a City Council meeting at City Hall. We will write a custom essay sample on Discusion of Political Meetings or any similar topic only for you Order Now The purpose of this meeting was to determine what actions the city of Havre should take regarding the recent legalization of medical marijuana use in Montana. The setting of this meeting was semiformal. The meeting was called to order and the city council members began discussing business. The council began the meeting by discussing current zoning districts. There was a lot of confusion regarding the zoning of businesses in Havre. There are several different zones in Havre, including Residential, Commercial General, and Commercial Intermediate. Currently, there are areas where zones overlap. In addition, there are businesses that are currently being allowed to operate in incorrect zones. They didn’t know which businesses or how many this applied to. The council members agreed that they needed to get a map that showed the current layout of the zoning districts. The inconsistencies with current zoning left the city with no way to regulate any medical marijuana businesses opening up in Havre. Since businesses in Havre are already being allowed to operate in areas that weren’t zoned for them, the city could not stop a medical marijuana business from opening anywhere in Havre. Secondly, there wasn’t a zone currently defined that would apply to a medical marijuana business. It soon became clear to the city council that before they could even begin to address the issue of medical marijuana, they needed to get the zoning issues figured out. One of the council members mentioned that the issues regarding zoning was first brought to the City Councils attention two years ago when a casino had been considering opening up in the old Tip Top Video location. He mentioned that businesses in Havre were allowed to open up anywhere regardless of which zone it was and that it only became a problem when a business asked first. Another issue regarding medical marijuana businesses in Havre was how to regulate them. Currently, there was no way of knowing how many were operating in Havre. The city did not require businesses to have a license and so that limited the city’s options. Other communities that required licenses were having an easier time regulated these businesses. By the end of the meeting, the council was in agreement that there should be a moratorium placed on new businesses opening up in the wrong zones until these ordinances could be figured out. The city council agreed that the city not only needs to keep a closer eye on where new businesses were opening up but become more aware of businesses that are operating in the wrong zone. A motion was made for a moratorium to be placed to not allow for zoning variances for all businesses, including medical marijuana, for the next 60 days. It was seconded and passed. At the end of the meeting, people were allowed to express their concerns and opinions. Rowlie Hutton discussed the availability of drugs in the community and his concern that medical marijuana would only make the current problem worse. He also offered to pray for the city council members so that they would be able to make the right decisions. The owner of a gun business in Havre expressed his concern that medical marijuana businesses would be allowed to operate in undisclosed locations. He felt that there needed to be more regulations and requirements for them. It is clear that the issue of medical marijuana is complicated and emotional. The second meeting I attended was a Democratic Party meeting. This meeting was very informal. The first issue of business was their budget. Currently, there was a balance of $2016. 00 in their checking account. They seemed pretty excited about that. Upcoming elections and candidates were discussed. They wanted to set up two separate candidate forums in the newspaper as quickly as possible, before the primary election. Holding a forum at the high school auditorium was suggested. . It was also recommended that the radio stations to broadcast it live. The Harvest Dinner Committee also presented their report. A group of five people was needed to set up tables and chairs. It was suggested to schedule the dinner after Festival Days, but as early in October as possible. The agenda was set up for a dinner at 6:00, speeches at 7:00 and silent auction at 8:00. Senator Baucus, Senator Tester, and Governor Schweitzer were to be invited to speak. The dinner menu was also discussed as well as setting up a decorating committee. The placement of candidate signs was also discussed. It was implied that the Democrats always use the right size signs and always place them in the proper place. While the Republicans, on the other hand, never follow the rules at all. Several other topics were discussed including plans for the Fourth of July, the drilling of water wells and the new transportation system. The final meeting I attended was the Republican Party meeting on May 13. After the welcome, the treasurer’s report was given. There was $3473. 84 available so they would be able to afford their monthly services. The upcoming Hill County GOP Convention in Billings was discussed. At this meeting new areas of business were brought up. First, campaign contributions to candidates were discussed. Candidates are allowed to accept up to $800. 00 in donations from any political parties. They decided to give $2920. 00 in donations to the candidates. The $150,000 debt of the State GOP was discussed. Each county was to raise $500. 00 to help pay off the debt. They decided they would donate $100. 00 for the next five months. Other new business included plans for the Fourth of July, a vacation raffle, the booth at the Great Northern Fair, and Festival Days. After the new business, old business regarding the redistricting and apportionment meeting and Primary Election were talked about. An update on the candidate was also given. The meeting was adjourned after a period of open comment. I found that all the meetings I went to were interesting. I was surprised to see how different the Republican and the Democratic meetings were. For xample, the democrats spoke poorly of the Republicans and accused them of not following the rules. The democrats also seemed less organized then the Republicans. At the Republican meeting, I was asked why I was there and even asked to join or help out at some of their functions. I never paid much attention to elections before or even thought about how much goes on behind the scenes. Both of these parties, obviously, play an important part in every election. After attending, the meetings of both the Democratic and Republican Parties, I do see the importance of volunteering. How to cite Discusion of Political Meetings, Papers
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